What is Google Sites Service?

Google Sites is a site for creating websites for free, and web pages are stored on Google Drive, which gives you a free space. You can also request additional space, and you can add photos and videos from Google Pictures or from your device or any external sources.

Publishing multiple pages makes you build a content-rich website, easy spread methods, and you can exchange your files with your friends and acquaintances, and multiple file types, Google protection has a high efficiency in saving files, and you can publish the site on the web or search sites and profit from it.

Google sites
Google sites

Uses of Google websites

  1. Create a personal website.
  2. Help center.
  3. team work .
  4. Create a site for lessons or homework.
  5. Create a business.
  6. Trips .
  7. Parties .
  8. Various and different events.
  9. Appointment schedules.
  10. Photo and video wallet.

There are ready-made templates that you can modify and the ability to create a new site manually however you like.

google sites
Google Sites Templates

Types of services that can be used on Google sites

  1. Documentation.
  2. Spreadsheets.
  3. slides.
  4. drawings.
  5. Forms.
  6. photo.
  7. blackboard.
  8. files.

You can add more services than that through the “G-Suite” site, which relies on it for work and education. You can add files from other sites such as “YouTube” or directly from your device.

Advantages of Google services

Google services have become widespread in many areas in file services and other applications, programs and sites that have changed the concept of the Internet in general and the technology of artificial intelligence and communication.

Google sites service features

The sites and tools used that you can create and modify are highly interactive and can appear on every screen in a wonderful and attractive way without the need, without the need to use programming.

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Create a website

Drag and drop features that facilitate the creation of a design and shape to attract the attention of others, the ease of arranging sections and pages and enlarging and minimizing sections makes you create your site in the least possible time.

You can send and receive all the previous services, such as Google Docs and Google Slides, among your acquaintances, in general or in particular, see everyone’s changes in real time while writing and modify the privacy of your files wherever you like.

Securing the site without the need for information technology, so the content is accurate and guaranteed because it is on Google networks.

You can add non-free services from-Suite in the event that your company enlarges your domain or increases the space used by one Google.

create a website for free from google with ready-made templates and customized them for you as you want is what you can see in the following video.

All that is required of you is an email from Google, and you can use all of these services, to visit the site or learn how to create a website.


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