What is Google Drive ?
Many of us lose files and images that should be kept online in order to protect against loss and damage. Google Drive has solved that problem
It is considered a service from Google services to upload personal files such as images, sounds, videos, folders and all files such as PDF and XT and many file extensions are also almost all of them, also it can deal with more From a program like Google Excel and Google Form.
Sharing personal files that relate to working with employees, friends, acquaintances and family in complete confidentiality, or sharing files in general on social media, protection from viruses is important to keep files GoogleDrive He can do it very easily.
The artificial intelligence of searching files in Google Drive gives you a faster and better ability to get files, it can be faster than your personal computer, and it classifies and arranges files by extending files in more than one way.

Is it reliable for uploading files?
depends on it more than your device so that an error may occur on your device or be infected with a virus that damages files or your device may be stolen, 15 GB free space for Google services from gmail and it can increase the space Paid way.
Strangely enough, all Google Images and Drive upload photos, but Google Photos Photo Specialist.
How to use and features of Google Drive?
To use it, you must create an email with money, and not only allow you to use this technology, but all Google services in addition to a free 15 GB space from Google in all devices because the service is divided into A site and a program. As for Android, the application is downloaded to your smart device.
many uses, including private lessons for students from home and sharing lessons, as well as for work and personal documents, to give an idea of closed and announced content.
Google Drive features

folders can be created as you like and customize the security folder that you can view it, and then you can show it to the world and share it with friends and relatives. Also an effective feature is the ability to backup your computer and smartphone And download or restore files wherever you want.
To download the program, visit the site, or learn more, you can watch the video.