CV file
Every person applying for a job in order to work in general in a commercial entity needs to know how to write an accurate CV of your experience in the field of work or in particular on the Internet, you can bring personal data in a decent and attractive manner to form a personal picture in the mind of the specialist of the authority worthy of your future career .
You can put the method of writing a CV through a file, document or picture according to the requirements of the job honestly and clearly so that there is no place for work fraud or deception, which brings you closer to the members of every successful institution or company to be a more beautiful picture.
Steps to write a resume correctly
The format of the CV file is important for the first look when submitting the application to the specialist and the arrangement must be controlled to add a touch of order and clarity when seeing the file.

Personal data
The name is bold or large, then the work that you master or write a CV for the sake of time, followed by the detailed address, the postal number, the phone number or the house in the form that you like in the display method and finally the “email” for communication that tends to be literal, you can add a personal photo next to the name.
Interpersonal skills are one of the most important elements that must be taken care of in any CV, in order to know your interest in the areas that you like and to define what the specialist would like to do.

Work experience
The method of writing a CV is that which you introduce yourself and bring you closer to acceptance in the job. Writing experience should be beautified in order, such as the picture or what you see more beautiful from your point of view, the details of the experience element must bear the name of the company, the address, the position, and then the start and end date of the work.
Specialization in your previous field of work in detail, determines many important criteria for the specialist in the workplace.

Academic certificate
The name of the school and its address, followed by the academic degree such as a doctorate or a master’s degree, then the beginning and end of the education period, the study details, in order to clarify what did you learn from the school or university?
Awards or recognitions obtained during the study and work period.
How to write a CV has ended and you need an application or site to create a CV, which is a service from Google services, a site and a free application, Google Docs that teaches you how to write a CV on your own to visit the official website.
See how to deal with Google Docs.